I am married with 6 children and 2 grandchildren. I was born again in 1984 when I was young and God has greatly changed my life. I thank God for changing my life because He has done many things for me. I have served for 15 years as a Pastor in different places. In 2014, I met Pastor Zephania Masoro in Uganda Baptist Seminary in the same class. He was my best friend. He shared with me the vision of preaching to people telling them about the good news about the broken heart for the lost ones and to encourage the pastors through the seminars. We have reached many people in different places like preaching in some local schools, hospitals and NGOs. People are receiving Christ as their personal savior and the Muslims too are getting saved.
In have the vision to reach unreachable places to preach the gospel like Karamoja, Northern part of Uganda, Southern Sudan. To reach those places to preach the gospel, I need your prayers that God may enable me to reach there. I request for about 1200 tracts of Jesus Christ came to heal the broken hearts, 400 tracts of 666 surveillance system, 200 books of When Jesus set free you are free indeed and Bibles for pastors. I request for all these materials to be in English. When you go to the war you need the gun to fight the enemy. As well spiritually, when you go to war you need the above instruments to use to preach the gospel. I have been receiving some of these materials from Pastor Zephania. I Am doing this work together with my family and they are supporting me in various ways; sometimes in material form like transport.
Yours in Christ’s service
Pastor Godfrey Wakhooli
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