Kenya – Pastor Zaphania Masore Makori

Pastor Zaphania Masore Makori
Pastor Zaphania Masore Makori

I am Pastor Zaphania Masore Makori, I am married to Gladys Nyanchama Nyakweba, and blessed with two sons Japhet and Edwin. We have a ministry of taking care of the orphans in the slum area of Mukuru kayaba in Nairobi. I preach the Gospel in the midst of poor people in the slum area.

I belong to a very poor Kenyan shoe repairers family and I am the second born in a family of ten children where two are girls while eight are boys. I experienced two near death experiences. One of the near death experiences which shocked people was in the year 1996. In that year I collapsed for three hours; people cried bitterly, then the voice of the Lord called to my mum to bite me and see if I was truly dead or not. When my mum bit me I twitched. After seeing that, mum called to the the people who were around the incident. So they rushed me to the hospital. Being in the ICU for three days God gave me a vision on how great his love is, and told me to share His love to His people.

In the year 1996 I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior; however, life was still very difficult. I decided to look for a job so as to take care of our family. Poverty struck us to such an extent that we couldn't even afford to buy soap to wash our clothes and bathe. The whole family was affected by jiggers. If you were to check my legs today you would see they are still scarred because of them. One of our neighbors took me from home and brought me to the Mukuru kayaba slums to sell vegetables for him. Though I was working selling vegetables still life was very hard. Because he was paying me $1 every week, I had neither clothes nor shoes.

In the year 2000 God blessed me with a wife called Gladys Nyanchama Nyakweba, she used to encourage me and said that one day God will help us, so we should keep trusting in the lord. In 2006 God called me into His ministry. As we were selling vegetables we were preaching the gospel. Many people received Jesus and we started a fellowship in our small house. As the numbers grew, we rented a hotel where we would hold fellowship on Sundays. Our God is merciful, so He connected me with pastor Don Schwarz, a Missionary from the USA at the time, but now he is in Israel. The man stood with me supporting the work of God here in the slum area. As the number of Christians was increasing, I found that there was a need for me to get Theological and Biblical education, this would help me to feed well the believers. By the grace of God, the servants of God pastor Don Schwarz and pastor John McTernan took me to Uganda Baptist Seminary in the year 2013 to 2016. I graduated in May 2016 with a certificate and on September 2016 I expect to earn a Diploma. When I joined the Theological college I was not able to speak and write English, but now I am able to speak and write English well. I have translated a number of tracts from English to Swahili language including the following titles; The 666 and Jesus Christ came to heal broken hearted, and very soon I expect to finish the book titled 'When Jesus Christ Sets you Free be Free Indeed.' God has connected me with more than 250 pastors from Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Rwanda, Congo and Burundi that are conducting prayers meetings, House visits, Youth Meetings, Street Rallies, and tract distribution. As Jesus said in Mathew 28:19, 'Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit.'

We invite you to visit us here in the slum area and the whole Africa, You are most welcome.

Pastor Zaphania Masore Makori

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