Pastor Nathan Sifuna – Last Trumpet and Kenya outreach

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Dearest Pastor Dave:


Greetings in abundance to you through the Majestic and Marvelous Name of our Risen Lord Jesus! May His resurrection Spirit be found flooding your life day by day as you seek to fulfill all His will in your life. Our trip was very successful. We thank the Lord for the safe journey. We had conference on Friday. I was invited with Pastor Felix at the Home Coming Church at Kamukuywa. The meeting was only for two days – Friday and Saturday. I started teaching on Friday. My topic was Jesus came to heal the broken hearted. People responded well.


I prayed for five people who received Jesus Christ and I prayed for the needs of People. We had one woman, who exited her husband’s house and marriage for the last 3 years. I gave her the tracts, showing how Jesus came to heal the broken hearted. She called me at night informing me she had returned to her house. I also prayed for the sick, and we have received praise healing testimonies.


On Saturday, I taught about the Last days teachings. I taught them about Anti Christ – how it is working. I also taught them about Economy, breakdown of our nation and the whole world. I also taught them that we are living at End Times. Many people responded well. I concluded by distributing the Last day-Trumpet Newsletters.


Today I managed to go to Post Office. I was happy to hear that the box is there. They need $65 for Kenya Revenue Authority. I have been also invited by Pastor John Wanyonyi to go and minister in his church called PEFA Church in Nzoia area on Saturday. The transport will cost $65. God bless you for your continued support and effort. Remember Jesus is coming to reward you.


Your brother because of Jesus Christ,


Pst. Nathan Sifuna,

The Last Trumpet in Kenya,