My name is Pastor Moses Kazevu and I was born on 24th October 1964 in the then Zaire now DRC where my Father Late Lasai Junika Kazovu was working under one contractor called Robertson Construction as a Bricklayer. We are Zambians from North Western Province of Zambia and my tribe is Lunda but I have stayed most of my time on the Copperbelt Province where I was educated from. My mother is Susan Njombi still living.
I am married to Theresa Nankamba Kazevu and God has faithfully blessed us with six (6) children Judith, Carol, Leah, Sydney, Moses Junior and Nswana who is our last born. God has also given us five grand children.
In 1968 when my father's contract came to an end we came back to Zambia and since then I have stayed in Zambia. I received all my education in Zambia on the Copperbelt Province in Mufulira and his is even the place where I received my salvation from. Before coming to serve as a Pastor I was working for the former Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM) as a Mining Trainee in underground operations for six years. While in the execution of my duties I was involved in a Mine Accident and that is how I left my job and abandoned my career in Mining in that my wanting is one day to become a Mining Manager of this Company. I had even started applying at the University for me to go and do Mining Engineering and that is how I shifted to Ndola where I am no staying in 1996. In the same year I was studying through correspondence in Systematic Theology with Faith School of Theology for a Diploma Course which I completed and awarded a Diploma in Systematic Theology. I did not just end up on this but have received training from different schools in theology and other trainings and that is how I was recognised to serve as also a mentor under Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia.
I started serving With Calvary Christian Church and Ministries as an Associate Pastor in 1998 and missions. I initiated a number of trainings at local lever for the members of the church and the community, the service which I am still offering up to now. I have a number of community organisations which I help in the community empowering in a small way. I offer training in theology, social trainings and entrepreneurship in helping the community give itself the support in helping their families discovering the potential as God has given us. I am a trainer of trainers at community level and a motivational speaker and an interpreter for both local and international speakers. I am able to speak two local languages fluently ie Bemba and Lunda and these other languages I can speak a few 50% Luvale, Kaonde, Chokwe, Lamba and Nyanja.
My Life in Christ
I was born again in 1986 in Mufulira on 5th September the day I vividly remember of what happened. Before then I was a believer who did not know what I believed in because I used to sing in one of the choirs at a certain church and to me that was the base of my salvation. Under this church though I used to sing in this church choir but still the church was not a Bible believing church where we were free to do what we wanted without church explaining to us. One day I was in the bush collected some grass for my garden. That is how I met one Evangelist his name was Rogers Chilongo spirit filled Servant of God who asked me many questions while in the bush. He told he was sent by the church to come and plant a church now evangelising. He led me to Christ and invited me the following morning to accompany him to his church. This church was grass thatched and he mentioned that he was just traveling planting churches but immediately he saw me the spirit of the Lord told him that I was the right person to take over from him as the care taker in the mean time.
When we reached the church he introduced me to other members of the church and this is the person I have been looking for now I met him in the bush yesterday and said he will be the church elder and I was ordained. The following week I was baptised and given the position to serve as the church elder. The following week this man left to go in another area, left the church under my leadership and I equally left the church and went looking for employment because I looked at myself being young and just coming out of school I needed to start life and looking at the family I was to start, but unfortunately all the months I spent, I never got employed.
I came back only to find the church members scattered and that is how I started re-organising members again the lesson I have learnt that never in my life will I ever run away again from God. After I confessed my sins of running away from God and what had happened to me, he assured me that one day the Lord will be able to raise again and serve Him since I could not understand the calling he blessed me and released me to go looking for employment. It did not take long before the application I had sent to ZCCM was accepted God gave me a job as a mining trainee and I moved from Mufulira to Chililabombwe where I started work. While in Chililabombwe I joined Church of God International and served as a Church Secretary later on joined Calvary Christian Church and Ministries in the same capacity. While working underground I was involved in a fatal mine accident and sustained a compound fracture and that is how I left this job and shifted from Chililabombwe to Ndola. When the church headquarters of Calvary Christian Church and Ministries learnt that I have moved from Chililabombwe to Ndola that is how they considered me and gave me the opportunity to serve as an Associate Pastor in one of their churches while here in Ndola. I have been a Pastor since 1998 to date and I thank God for having given me the privilege to serve Him and many other various organisations in the body of Christ at Pastor's fellowship positions the thing That has given me joy to serve the Lord whole heartedly. Really I know His grace on my life has been an explainable that the thing that I wanted to run away from at the first beginning is the thing that I know enjoy doing know. Let the name of God be glorified.
I have even started another program of giving Adult Literacy to the women in our area and after this then introduce them to survival skills i.e. mat weaving, catering, tailoring, entrepreneurship and many others. I will owe all this to God who prepared me and gave the opportunity to serve Him in many areas of Human development. such a program.
Pastor Moses Kazevu
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